Measures Make the Difference: Cover Story on Showing Your Value


Measures Make the Difference: Cover Story on Showing Your Value “Data can demonstrate your efficacy and the value of physical therapy on a broad scale. And as value-based payment, merit-based incentives, and interprofessional care teams become more prevalent, communicating the impact of physical therapy will be crucial.” Perspectives magazine, [...]

Transformational Change for People and the Planet: Editing 27 Authors


Transformational Change for People and the Planet: Editing 27 Authors In 2020–2021, Katy and D & O Creative Group provided copyediting and project management for Transformational Change for People and the Planet: Evaluating Environment and Development. This book was produced by the Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO), [...]

Professional School Counseling Journal


Professional School Counseling Journal I have copyedited Professional School Counseling, the scholarly journal of the American School Counselor Association (ASCA), since 2012. Hundreds of articles, numerous special issues, and millions of words later, I have a deep familiarity with field-specific usage and style, areas of focus, authors, sources, and [...]

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